High Blood Pressure, the Poisoner 

High Blood Pressure, the Poisoner

Now, whenever you are spending good time with your three or four friends, give a good look around; one of you will be definitely high blood pressure. Unfortunately, since there are no diagnostics, you could not even be attentive of it. Untreated high blood pressure could give way to kidney failure, congestive heart failure, heart attack, stroke or even heart failure. Since there are many factors, which cause this disorder, so some are under control and some are not. If you make sure that you are getting your Blood pressure diagnosed at daily basis then alone you can learn whether you are suffering from high BP or not. The effects of high Blood pressure are very venomous, so a person should not take it lightly.
Untreated above average blood pressure
All the essential roles of your body are done by your brain, hence, it demands unobstructed blood flow. Very high, continued blood pressure will in the end cause blood vessels to weaken. There is the chance of the leakage of blood into the brain resulting from the splitting of frail blood vessels. The leakage of blood into the brain can also lead to stroke since this afflicted part of brain would become numb. Besides, when a blood lump jammed a narrowed artery, blood restricts to flow and a stroke will happen. Signs of a stroke consist of sudden insensitivity or weakness of the face, arm or leg, particularly on one side of the body, dilemma, difficulty speaking, or seeing and also unexpected severe headache.

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